Monday, January 16, 2012

Winter Fun (Inside)

The weather outside has been chilly and though I wouldn't hesitate to take Big Brother out there Little Brother just can't keep warm like the rest of us movers and shakers so we have been inside a lot more than I would like to admit this winter.  Here are a couple pics of some indoor activities that me and the Little Guys have been doing.  There is also an awesome blog/facebook page with a few other SAHMs and their awesome activities/ideas to keep those little ones engaged and creating, Play At Home Mom!  Check them out.  And now check out what we've been up to:
 Materials: zip lock baggies, paint, painters tape.  A fun squishy bag.  I had all the materials on hand = FREE
 Materials: Paper and Do-Dots (or Bingo Dotters)  Do-Dots are only $1/each at Dollar Tree!  They were a stocking stuffer for Big Brother this Christmas.  It is probably one of the things that he plays with the most, go figure!
Homemade Light Table: clear tub, rope lights/Christmas lights.  We put a tub of water beads on top of the light table.  Again, I had all the materials on hand = FREE FUN

Big Brother made a mask and all on his own I had left my paper bag on the table and he got our his art box and started creating, it is so awesome to see the process and what he came up with.  = FREE FUN

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Gifts

I was unable to post this gift because I didn't want it to be spoiled but here is a homemade gift that we gave to Grandma's and Grandpa's:  Michel's had a sale of 40% off the clear glass ball ornaments that you can put items in so I picked up a set of 4 and then Noah and I went through the sticker isle and our stickers at home.  Levi and Noah both had two ornaments (two sets of grandparents).  We picked out stickers that related to events in the last year. 
Noah had:  preschool sticker, spiderman (costume for Halloween), dinosaur (we went see dinosaurs at The Field Museum in Chicago with one set of Grandparents),  a Zoo sticker for the other Grandparents, Lego block because he had a Lego themed birthday, etc.  You get the idea.
Levi had:  'It's a Boy' stickers, toy stickers, some stars, etc. 
I attached a green ribbon for the stop and strung a paper tag with '2011' and a printed wallet size pics of both of them, glued the pictures back to back and strung them on the ribbon as well.  I should mention that if I couldn't get the sticky off the back of the sticker I just covered it with colorful cardstock.  I added 'snow' confetti to the ornaments as well so everything wouldn't just sit at the bottom.  I also realize that I don't have a pic of the finish project, oh well at least I got them done.  And I really liked the way they turned out.